Share your prototype

Protome is a free tool for UX designers, product managers and developers to create, share, collect comments and track interaction for Figma prototypes, images or PDFs.
The Ultimate Design Sharing Tool

Protome simplifies the process of sharing your designs with others. With Protome, you can easily share and receive comments and reactions from other users. Additionally, you can see statistics on who viewed or interacted with your file.

Figma prototypes can be confusing for users about where to click. Protome allows you to provide description of the pages of your prototype or file and provide a clear direction on where you have to click, and more. Users don't even need to log in to comment or add reactions, making the process even more straightforward. Sharing a shortened link only gives you number of users who have opened it, but Protome shows stats on how many people have visited your prototype or interacted with it and more!

Formats supported

  • Figma Prototype - create interactive flows with Figma and share them to gather comments.
  • Google Slides - publish your slides using File -> Publish and paste in Protome to short link with comments and reactions.
  • Images* - upload JPEG or PNG images and make them interactive with commenting.
  • PDF - upload your PDF, and it will be shown with a support of pagination and comments.


TLDR: Free

Protome is currently free for everyone during its initial release. We commit to providing the base service for free forever, but we may charge a small fee ($4.99/month or 4 €/month) for access to additional features in the future and fund the development and maintenance.


All files are available only via the link you can share with others. You can delete the link at any time. All uploaded files are kept for 30 days for anonymous users, and until you delete for the other users.

We don't access, use or share you link or files unless you explicitly ask us to help you and allow access the link.

See more information at Privacy Policy page.

About us

Who built this tool?

Protome was built by a team of designers and product managers with extensive experience using Figma. We frequently create prototypes to share with our entire team and gather feedback. We built this tool to help facilitate best practices in building great products and are excited to share it with the world.